Call for paper
The call for paper is now closed – Notification of acceptance: by 15 April
We welcome proposals on any relevant topic, but are particularly eager for proposals concerning music in or related to the southern Low Countries.
In order to make the most of the available conference time, to try to give as many people as possible a chance to present, to keep the number of parallel sessions under control, and to make the conference a varied experience, we wish particularly to encourage proposers to consider formats other than standard papers. Possible formats include, but are not limited to:
individual papers of 20 minutes
“lightning talks” of around 10 minutes
paired papers
themed sessions
round tables
The conference will include a dedicated poster session, with a prize for the best submission.
All proposals should include:
indication of format (sessions with multiple participants should indicate the total required duration; proposers are free to determine that duration themselves)
proposer’s name
proposer’s affiliation (if any)
names and affiliations of any additional participants
contact email
AV requirements
a short bio. or bios of the participants (max. 15 lines; this has no bearing on the evaluation but simply for distribution to chairs)
Abstract :
for individual contributions : c. 200 words
for sessions with multiple participants: c. 200 words on the proposal as a whole, and c. 100 words on the contribution of each participant